Saturday, October 13, 2012

Are you having problems with aggressive Hummingbirds?

I am having problems with an aggressive Hummingbird? An Anna Hummingbird has claimed the front porch as his soul domain.  My patio has become a battle field, dive bombing Hummingbirds from the branches above, he screeches and chest butts those hummers who don't get his message. My little monarch does not discriminate, even  friends and family passing through his hallowed grounds get buzzed, sometimes hoovering inches from their faces.  I am considering posting a "Beware of Hummingbird" sign. Rain or shine he stands guard defending all three of my hummingbird feeders. When I read this charming tale I could not resist re-posting. jThis folkloric gem gleaned from gave my pause for thought. I think I better understand why my little monarch is so tenacious.

Hummingbirds in Native American  Tradition

Whether this qualifies as "natural history" may depend upon your own beliefs, but Peter Guanikeyu Torres, President and Council Chief of the Taino Indigenous Nation of the Caribbean and Florida, sent me this:
The Taino Native American people were the first people to meet Columbus in 1492. The Hummingbird is the symbol of the spreader of life on the Earth. It also symbolizes the rebirth of the Taino Indian Nation of the Caribbean and Florida. We also call our Warriors, Colibri Warriors (Hummingbird Warriors), as the Hummingbird is very peaceful but, it protects it own homeland with the heart of a Eagle. Our history tells us the small Hummingbirds were at one time small flies that Agueybaba the Sun Father transformed one day into little birds.

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